
Mathen Mappillai Memorial Public School was founded in 1991 and through all its glories past years
has taken pride in the education of students from all sections of the society.

Silver Jubilee Year Celebrations

This is more an occasion which we create for the public to have a closer look at us, instead of being fed by rumours of backwardness and instability. An outline of what the parents & public may expect from us:

  1. A mini lottery organized to raise funds.
  2. First Day of festivities: Children & PTA preparing and managing different stalls, including an exhibition, games, food, selling souvenirs like T- shirts/caps, mementos etc.
  3. Children’s entertainment programs presented on the stage.
  4. A popular matinee idol to inaugurate the programme and draw the prize coupons.
  5. Invitations shall be sent to all schools in the neighbourhood and to the parents & public at large.
  6. Second Day : Public meeting, to be addressed by national leaders, our Patron H.G. the Catholicos of the Malankara Catholic Church, prominent community leaders, a literary laureate and local leaders as per practice.
  7. Meeting to be followed by a variety entertainment program, restricted with entry passes.
  8. Publishing of a Silver Jubilee Souvenir, a Newspaper Supplement etc.
We request suggestions and support from all our well-wishers for the success of these events.

Attention to Alumni members..!!!

We solicit your valuable suggestions, warm cooperation and generous donations from each one of you. It is time now to begin work on these projects.

Do contact each other and volunteer to work for the success of your Alma Mater!!!!

Principal & Management.

Contact No:- 0469 2773307 / 2753830 ::

Hon. Treasurer:- 9446113602 /